for A vision to remember

I am very excited to be blog-swapping with A Vision to Remember! I hope you will enjoy what I have to say!

Let me begin by introducing myself. My name is TJ. I am a former chef with a bachelor of science degree in writing who now serves as a housewife and stay-at-home mom! I am married to a tall, handsome, hard-working man and we have an adorable, squeaky 6-month-old baby boy. We also have a chubby black lab/blue heeler named Tag who loves to eat and refuses to play and a mischievous orange tabby named Sunset who steals pencils.

I began my blog,, in May of 2010. It's original and ongoing purpose is to encourage families to monetarily thrive in this economy by utilizing savvy couponing strategies. I later expanded my focus to make it a more rounded and family-related website by including tried and true recipes, DIY projects, breastfeeding, kids crafts and activities, cloth diapering, giveaways, and much more! From my website, readers can access giveaways, a coupon database, and free coupons.

Some of my popular posts have included the following:

  • Ways to save money.
Loss Leaders (KEEP)
Playing the Loss Leaders
Expired Coupons for Troops
  • DIY projects.
    Jerky (KEEP)
    Homemade Jerky